Below is the vector (*.ai), jpg, and png artwork for the SS designs. Please do not stretch or squeeze the designs. The use of the SS logo and it's affiliated variations must be expressly authorized by Samantha Calhoun. The SS and it's affiliated variations are exclusive property to Samantha Calhoun.
Vector Art
The Adobe Illustrator artwork is vector art. Vector art can be scaled to any size without loss of quality. Additionally, the arts color pallete can be modified to any color you see fit. For example, the Outline Logo can be changed from black to red. Vector art is the preferred art used in print production.
JPG file formats are most likely the format you are familiar with. It's popular for it's ability to be compressed (small file) and still retain high quality output. The artwork on this page is scaled to 1200 x 1200 pixels -- which is suitable for most web applications. However, JPG art will have a white background (box behind). For placing on white background objects (e.g., MS Word, even some online pages), this is perfectly fine. You would not want to use JPG art say on a graphic image you created for you would see the white bounding box.
This is ideal art for both web and some print applications (assuming it's large enough). The biggest advantage of PNG art over JPG art is PNG art has a transparent background (as opposed to the white box). This allows for PNG art to be placed [or layered] on an image without a border.