A couple months ago I asked my Instagram followers how did they define being successful in life and in their profession.( A few of the responses are screenshot below) Being a goal oriented person, success, is a term that I internally struggle with. It's hard when you don't subscribe to the materialistic view of success (cars, clothes, houses, money, etc). I believe success goes far beyond those superficial things. Its where pure happiness and joy lies.
What Does Being Successful Means to Me
Being successful is such an open term that can mean different things to different individuals. To me it feels like you have to go through a never ending tunnel to reach it; especially if you think of success as a destination. However, with a lot of reflection I’ve realized that being successful isn’t a destination but rather a way of thinking and being. For one to say that they have reached success they must be content with the present. Being content always have a negative connotation. However, contentment doesn’t mean complacency. You must understand that just because someone is content with where they are does not mean that they have stopped living with purpose. It does not mean that they do not have a clear vision of the steps needed to improve the areas in their life that they value most. To improve and progress in life, you have to have a clear understanding of where you are, where you want to be, and you have to accept who you are.
To me, being successful means living life on my terms (financially independent), owning my time, being happy with my quality of life, and having an impact on those around me.
Every once in awhile, you must stop and take a look around you. Be thankful and give thanks. Im grateful for everyone in my life who plays a part (small or large) in my ability to achieve success in different areas of my life and find happiness.
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